Masih bicara tentang Instaperfect, lini premiumnya makeup Wardah. Kali ini tentang Instaperfect Quick Fix Cover Correct Concealer shade 01 Ivory.
We still talk about Instaperfect, Wardah makeup's premium line. Now it's Instaperfect Quick Fix Cover Correct Concealer shade 01 Ivory.
Concealer ini bentuknya unik. Termasuk tipe liquid concealer dengan aplikator brush lembut, untuk mengeluarkan concealer-nya bawahnya harus diputar. Saat pertama kali pakai saya sempat freak-out karena sudah diputar berulang kali tetap gak keluar. 2 hari kemudian baru saya berhasil π€¦π»♀️
This concealer has unique shape. Liquid concealer with soft brush aplicator, to push it out I have to rotate the bottom. First time I used it, I got a bit freak-out because I have rotated it many times but still did not come out. I just succeed after 2 days π€¦π»♀️
Teksturnya lembut, ringan, tidak pekat, namun high coverage! Daya sebarnya pun bagus, cukup oles sedikit lalu ratakan dengan puff, dark spots tertutup sempurna dan nampak flawless.
The texture is smooth, lightweight, not thick but high coverage! Easy to spread, a little swipe and blend with puff, dark spots are perfectly covered and look flawless.
- Tidak ada bau mengganggu hidun
- Tidak ada reaksi negatif di kulit sensitif saya.
- Ketika dipakai ke seluruh wajah tanpa ditutup bedak, tetap bertahan bagus selama 6 jam. Produk ini juga waterproof, terkena air pun gak geserπ
- There is no annoying fragrance
- No negative reaction on my sensitive skin
- When it was applied onto face without covered by loose powder, it beautifully stayed until 6 hours
- Waterproof
Concealer ini bagus dan mudah dipakai, sepertinya concealer ini bakal jadi my new fave item.
Final verdict
This concealer has good quality and easy to use, seems will be my new fave item.
Rate: 4.2 of 5
Lalu apa concealer favorit kalian?
So what is your favorite concealer?